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Yes, I put butter (and EGG) in my coffee... Milk is SO last season!

 Hot Buttery Egg Coffee

Gasp! Horror! Now just let it sink in…and stop pulling that face…I know it sounds weird and even ‘eeeuuww’ but trust me, if you like custard, ice-cream, eggnog etc then you can like my Hot Buttery Egg Coffee - it’s the same principal. The egg is 'cooked' in the boiling water. And the fat from the egg and butter (you could add coconut oil as well, or instead of) satiates you for hours. I’ve even gone as far as putting in two eggs when I know I’m only getting to eat again by late afternoon.

You can also add cream or milk if you can tolerate it but, really, it doesn’t need it. The egg and butter emulsify so beautifully you have a creamy latte in a matter of seconds. In fact, I wont drink coffee now any other way!

It first caught my eye on this super blog here and then I really sat up and took notice after reading about it here aswell.

It’s actually not that unheard of in the sugar free world (also known as Low Carb) that I've entrenched myself in, you know?

Since being on this Low Carb WOE (way of eating, duh!) Ive lost 10kgs. I wasn’t actually trying to lose weight,  I chose to eat this way to better manage my recently diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Losing the weight is a kinda lovely sideaffect :o) Anyway, most people seem to ask “But, what do you have for breakfast?” Because, if I don’t have sugar, then I don’t eat cereal (hell no - LOADED with sugar and very high in carbohydrates) and I don’t eat grains either anymore (so no more porridge / oatmeal), and wheat toast is ‘never again’, so “What else is there?”

Well, for starters, there’s this Breakfast-in-a-Coffee-Cup. Check out Bulletproof Coffee [a great name, don’t you think?] to find out more about pimping your morning cuppa to serve as a nutrient dense meal which keeps you full when you don’t have time to cook up a full English breakfast. Best of all, for me, it is 'milky' yet dairy free (if you use coconut oil or ghee), is prepared faster than you can say “LOW CARBOHYDRATE”, and it does just happen to have way less carbs than regular milky coffee!

That's it! Nothing left to say except ITS DELICIOUS and ITS GOOD FOR YOU! Just give it a whirl - don’t be such a girl - and try it! ;o)

Here’s what you do…

  • Sugar replacement of your choice, to taste (I use about 12 drops of liquid stevia)
  • 1 Egg (add another yolk if you dare, it will fill you for longer)
  • 1 - 3 Tbsp Butter and/or Coconut oil (I recommend the coconut oil without fragrance)
  • 1 - 2 Tbsp Good quality instant coffee granules (regular or decaf)
  • 1 Cup, approx, of boiling water [If you just add boiling water, without adding the coffee granules, and maybe add a drop of vanilla or cinnamon, you would be left with a dreamy, warm and filling egg-nog type drink, only not as thick. Perfect at bed time].

Optional Flavours
  • Café Mocha: Add1 tsp good quality unsweetened cocoa powder, or pop in a block of Lindt 90% chocolate
  • Spiced Latte: Add ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • Vanilla Coffee: Add a dash of good vanilla extract, or seeds from a pod - very decadent
  • Dreamy Chai: Replace boiling water with freshly made Chai Tea

Place all ingredients, except the hot liquid of choice, into your mug or jug that your stick /immersion blender can fit into.
Start whizzing your blender whilst adding your hot liquid of choice until all ingredients have emulsified and you have some nice froth.
Remove stick/immersion blender and top up with hot water.
Or, throw everything into your blender and blitz. It's easy peasy peeps!

There you have it!

Now let me know what you think?

Much love and gratitude :o)



Unknown said…
Wow you write beautifully! And you make it sound easy and yum. Certainly going to give it a whirl. Thanks for the idea!
Unknown said…
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Zenith Thinking said…
Lovely Caghrey I am going to do it tomorrow morning ... Nice blog!

Thank you Collette. Let me know how it goes. Xxx

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